Stock Information

  • Q

    How many shares are in one trading unit?


    One trading unit is 100 shares.

  • Q

    What is the company’s ticker code and industry category?


    The code is 4933, and the industry category is “4933 Chemicals.”

  • Q

    Who should I contact regarding stock-related procedures (e.g. changing my registered address)?

  • Q

    When did you get listed, and what stock markets have been listed on? 


    We first got listed on a stock market on September 25, 2020. This was the TSE Mothers market. In April 2022, we got listed on TSE Growth after the TSE market sections were reorganized. Finally, on September 19, 2023, we were moved from TSE Growth to TSE Prime.  

Corporate Information

  • Q

    What organizational structures do you have to promote sustainability? 


    We have the Sustainability Committee, which we established in January 2022. We also have the Sustainability Promotion Council and a number of subcommittees, each focusing on a particular sustainability topic and headed by a member of the management. The sustainability topics include product formula, packaging, raw materials, supply chain, human capital, and governance. The subcommittees discuss these topics and undertake the necessary procedures to facilitate organization-wide action on sustainability. 

  • Q

    Tell me about the company’s initiative in sustainability. 


    We’re committed to building a more sustainable world. You can find out about our ESG practices and our six materiality (and the goals for such) on our sustainability webpage

  • Q

    What is OMO, the company describes as one of its core competencies? 


    OMO stands for “Online Merges with Offline(OMO)” It’s a marketing approach in which we integrate digital marketing—something we’ve focused on since our foundation—with our forte in offline distribution to extend our market reach. A question always on our minds is to raise brand awareness with a limited budget. We’ve carved out our market position by building up the membership of our online community, forming a retail network that reaches the beauty majority (people who passively follow beauty trends), and by having an inhouse team of digital marketers. Find out more by visiting our OMO webpage

  • Q

    What is Branding, describes as one of the other competencies?


    We excel in creating concepts that are half a step ahead and in developing high-performance products. The trick is to balance innovation with mass appeal—to make the product just cutting-edge enough to capture the interest of beauty pioneers but not so far ahead of its time that it alienates the beauty majority. When deciding what product ideas to pursue, we use scientific criteria. The criteria includes whether the idea would deliver the required effects and functionality. It also includes whether there’s sufficient quantitative data suggesting a demand for the product. At the same time, we also use artistic criteria. We ask whether the idea aligns with our corporate culture and values. Find out more on our Branding webpage

  • Q

    How did I-ne begin? 


    I-ne’s story begins in 2005, when our CEO, Yohei Onishi, became an entrepreneur while still an undergraduate. As sole proprietor, Onishi developed a mobile retail business in which people bought clothing using their mobile phones. In March 8, 2007, he founded I-ne to develop and sell cosmetic goods. Since then, we’ve developed one trend-leading beauty brand after another and expanded our market reach with OMO (merging online marketing with offline marketing). Testifying to this growth, we got listed on TSE Mothers in September 25, 2020, and then on TSE Prime in September 19, 2023. Find out more on our corporate history webpage

  • Q

    What does the name “I-ne” mean? 


    The letters in I-ne stand for “innovation never ends.” Innovation has always been our watchword and it features in the I-ne philosophy, which everyone at I-ne strives to embody.

  • Q

    What is the company overview and business model ?

Shareholders Information

  • Q

    When is the end of the fiscal year?


    December 31 of each year.

  • Q

    When are the AGM and financial results announcement?

Business Information

  • Q

    Tell me about the YOLU brand. 


    Launched in 2021, YOLU is a night-time beauty care brand. It consists of haircare products. The brand’s concept is as follows:  

    Unveiling Beauty in the Night. 
    Let the last few minutes of your day be a time for a deep, rich beauty treatment that will work overnight to leave you refreshed and purified. 
    Visit the YOLU website to learn more. 

  • Q

    Tell me about the SALONIA brand. 


    Launched in 2012, SALONIA is a brand of beauty devices. It consists of hair styling devices such as hair irons, hair dryers, hair brushes, and facial beauty devices etc. The brand’s concept is as follows: 
    Beauty is simple. 
    Make your everyday beautiful. 
    SALONIA makes your self-care beauty routine quick, simple, and effective. 
    Visit the SALONIA website to learn more. 

  • Q

    Tell me about the BOTANIST brand. 


    Launched in 2015, BOTANIST is a brand that believes living in harmony with plants leads to intrinsic richness. 
    It explores the potential of plant-derived ingredients and their benefits to support your botanical lifestyle. It consists of haircare products and bodycare products. The brand’s concept is as follows: 
    Live in harmony with plants. 
    Botanical Lifestyle. 
    “Living in harmony with plants,” the brand strives to contribute to a more sustainable world through the plant conservation initiative “Botanist-no-Mori”(Botanist Forest in Japanese) and organizing events and content that allow people to experience the power of plants. 
    Visit the BOTANIST website to learn more. 

  • Q

    What are your business segments and what brands do you own? 


    We own a series of brands in the beauty sector. We develop brands in the business segments of haircare, beauty devices, skincare, and other categories where we apply our strengths. Find out more on our brand list webpage.

  • Q

    What is the company’s policy for M&As? 


    For the earlier achievement of our medium-term business strategy, we actively explore opportunities for M&As and business tie-ups in areas that will generate synergies with our Branding, OMO strategy, IPTOS model, and other core competencies. 

  • Q

    What is the management’s view for the future? 


    To meet our customers’ and other stakeholders’ needs, we’ll keep a sharp eye on the rapid changes in the external business environment and deliver our mission by developing and growing brands and engaging in sustainability. We’ll maintain stable growth in our core business segments, hair care and beauty devices. At the same time, we’ll build up our other business segments to unlock further growth: In skincare, we’ll nurture new brands. In our overseas operations, we’ll leverage the competences we’ve developed in Japan—digital marketing and IPTOS. 

    Find out more about our medium-term plan on our growth strategy webpage

  • Q

    How can I learn about the company’s track records so far?

  • Q

    Do your financial results vary by season? 


    Yes, our results are subject to seasonal variation. If you look at our financial results in past years, you’ll notice that net sales varies between different quarters and that the sales are disproportionately weighted toward the second half. There are two reasons for this. 
    The first reason concerns sell-in transactions—transactions with distributors who sell our products to drugstores and other retailers. Drugstores in Japan typically replenish their stock and rearrange the store layout in the spring months (March or April) and autumn months (September or October). That’s when we ship batches of new products to our distributors and recognize revenue from the offline sales channels . Depending on the situation, the revenue for spring shipments will be recognized in either the first or second quarter, and the revenue for autumn shipments will be recognized in either the third or fourth quarter. 
    The second reason is related to how consumer demand spikes at the end of the year. To capitalize on the year-end demand, online shopping malls and retailers organize promotional campaigns, and if these campaigns feature our products, then we’ll enjoy a sales boost. 
    While we try to make our sales revenue more even across the year, our growth strategy takes into account the seasonal factors that characterize our industry.